EOL Policy

Following a product’s end-of-sale date, activePDF will provide bug fixes, maintenance releases, workarounds or patches for a period of 6 months. It may be necessary to use a software upgrade release to correct a reported problem.

 Technical support will be provided for a period of 12 months following the end of sale date. In order to receive Technical Support, you must have a current and fully paid Annual Subscription contract for the product license(s) you are requesting support for.


Explanation of Terms

End-of-Sale Date
The last date to order the product through activePDF point-of-sale mechanisms. The product is no longer for sale.

End of Life
The point at which activePDF ceases distributing Software Updates for a particular version of Licensed Software. The End of Life date starts the timeline and process leading to End of Support Life for a specific version of Licensed Software.

End of Support Life
The point at which activePDF ceases providing Technical Support for a Licensed Software version release that has reached its End of Life, regardless of the Problem, and regardless of the Annual Subscription contract or Premium Support offering purchased.