The Toolkit 10.3.0 release (Build includes new features and bug fixes.

Software Requirements

The following software is required to successfully use Toolkit and Toolkit Ultimate.

Operating Systems Supported

  • Windows Server® 2012 R2, 2016, or 2019
  • Microsoft Windows® 10

Additional Software

  • Microsoft® .NET Framework 4.5 or higher is required to use Toolkit's .NET component
  • Visual Studio C++ 2015 Redistributable

Note: If you are installing an ActivePDF product on a Windows 2012 R2 server, you need to download and install two Microsoft updates for Windows 2012 R2 servers. These updates resolve issues with the Microsoft Visual 2015 C++ Redistributable Runtime Components. For links and step-by-step instructions, see this ActivePDF Knowledge Base article: Installing Toolkit on Windows 2012 Servers.

Hardware Requirements

The minimum hardware requirements for Toolkit are:

Server and desktop

  • 125 MB of RAM
  • 100 MB of hard disk space (for application)

New Features and Enhancements

  • BookmarkManager deletes all bookmarks: To remove all bookmarks of the input, set BookmarkManager.Copybookmarks to false. 
  • New CopyForm/MergeFile range: When using CopyForm and MergeFile, you can now pass specific page ranges as a string value, such as "1-5,7,9-13," instead of just using Start or End pages.
  • CopyForm range: CopyForm has a new return value: -2 = Invalid page range.
  • New SetInputBookmark functionality in the Bookmark Manager: Use SetInputBookmark to set a root bookmark for each input PDF, and add all bookmarks for the input PDF to the output under the new bookmark. The function sets the root Title bookmark each time before MergeFile is called.
    Note: Call the SetInputBookmark property before MergeFile or CopyForm.
  • OutputByteStream is deprecated: It is strongly recommended to use new Toolkit property, OutputByteArray instead of OutputByteStream.

Bugs Fixed

ID #Description
19922Bookmarks: Internal bookmark links incorrect when using PrintImage.
20890Bookmarks: NewBookmarks not created using CopyForm.
20891Bookmarks: Bookmarks are in reverse order when merged.
20893Encoding issue with embedded font 'ArielMT'.
20947Bookmarks: Bookmarks not removed when GetBookmarkManager called first.
20962Bookmarks: Incorrect bookmark text - Japanese.
21000Field Value incorrect when not focused (Japanese).
21045Bookmarks: Incorrect bookmark text when using Compressor and AddBookmarks- Japanese.

PHP MergeFile in-memory generation fails.

21348(Toolkit Ultimate only) Output form field font doesn't become MS Mincho.
21376ImagesRotation applies to all images instead of the last image.
21463AnnotationManager reports incorrect type for links.
21474Toolkit output file incompatible with Telerik PDF processing.
21498UNC path appended to working directory for OpenInputFile and OpenOutputFile (.NET).
21569If resaving the output PDF in Adobe, the following error occurs-The document could not be saved - bad parameter.
21570TIFFToPDF Large File - System access violation.
21571SetInfo with string.Empty, null, and "" does not clear keywords.
21572PrintImage produces invalid PDF.
21575Invalid PDF produced when SetFormFieldData LeaveReadOnlyFlag is -997 or -998.



File-specific bugs.

Please contact customer support for further information.


Installation and API information is available in the Toolkit API Reference Guide.


To download the Toolkit and Toolkit Ultimate examples, visit the GitHub ActivePDF page.

Toolkit Installer

Use the following link to download  ActivePDF Toolkit or Toolkit Ultimate.