ActivePDF Server 8.1.2 release (Build includes a new property and bug fixes.

Software Requirements

The following software is required to successfully use ActivePDF Server.

  • Windows Server 2012 R2, 2016, 2019, or 2022
  • Microsoft® .NET Framework 4.6.2 (Installed by ActivePDF Server if not detected on your system.)

Note: If you are installing an ActivePDF product on a Windows 2012 server, you need to download and install two Microsoft updates for Windows 2012 servers. These updates resolve issues with the Microsoft Visual 2015 C++ Redistributable Runtime Components. For links and step-by-step instructions, see this ActivePDF Knowledge Base article: Installing Toolkit on Windows 2012 Servers.

Hardware Requirements

The minimum hardware requirements for ActivePDF Server are:

  • 256 MB of RAM
  • 170 MB of hard disk space (for application)

New Enhancement

  • New Property: APServer has a new property, DisableBookmark.
  • Updated jQuery version: Update jQuery to use version 3.3.1.

Bugs Fixed

ID #Description
19560Garbled Japanese characters after converting from PS to PDF.
19684No WCF timeout configuration.
20578PSToPDF taking longer than previous Server versions.
20638Developer serial number starting with 126 gives Evaluation stamp.
21548APR2S.exe crash - APTSUP.dll
21563Output does not include the specified EUDC fonts.



File-specific bugs.

Please contact customer support for further information.


Installation and Getting Started

For installation instructions and general startup information, see the Installing ActivePDF Server and Configuration Manager and SDK Settings topics.

SDK Reference

See the ActivePDF Server SDK Reference Guide for information about .NET and COM methods and properties.


To download the Server examples, visit the GitHub ActivePDF page.

Server Installer

Download the Server installer.