How to Fully Embed Fonts Using Toolkit
In Toolkit SubsetFonts is set to true by default. To fully embed a font, set SubsetFonts to False.
After SubsetFonts is set to false, fonts are embedded in the output PDFs.
To check for embedded font in the output PDF
- Open the PDF and on your keyboard press Ctrl+d to open the PDF Properties dialog box.
- Select the Fonts tab.
- Look for your font in the list, it should show either (Embedded) or (Subset).
VBS Example for Setting SubsetFonts = False
' Variables ' Template and Output files
varOutputFile = "output.pdf"
' Instantiate Object
Set TK = CreateObject("APToolkit.Object")
' OpenOutputFile
varReturn = TK.OpenOutputFile(varOutputFile)
If varReturn <> 0 Then
End If
' False embeds font, True Subsets Font
TK.SubsetFonts = False
' Set the font for the text on page 1
TK.SetFont "C:\Windows\Fonts\arial.ttf", 20, 0
TK.PrintText 10, 750, "Toolkit Version: " & TK.ToolkitVersion TK.NewPage
' CloseOutputFile
' Clear Object
Set TK = Nothing
' Done
Msgbox "Success!"
' Error Handling
Sub Error(Method)
Msgbox "'" & Method & "' failed with a '" & varReturn & _
"'" & VBCRLF & "TK Return Codes:" & VBCRLF & _
Set TK = Nothing
End Sub