How to Use OnFocusScript and OnBlurScript Properties

Both the OnBlurScript and OnFocusScript properties (used with the FieldInfo object) will set or retrieve a script to execute, but they use different triggers.

  • OnBlurScript
    When the focus moves from the specified field to another location, OnBlurScript sets or retrieves the script to execute.

  • OnFocusScript
    When the focus moves from another location to the specified field, OnFocusScript sets or retrieves the script to execute.

Code Example for OnFocusScript and OnBlurScript

The following example includes a Click Here button:

  • click on the button once and OnFocusScript is called.

  • click any where off the button and OnBlurScript is called.


Dim FSO, strPath, outputFile, inputFile
Dim intOpenOutputFile, intOpenInputFile, intResult

' Get current path
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

strPath = FSO.GetFile(Wscript.ScriptFullName).ParentFolder & "\"

Set FSO = Nothing

Set oTK = CreateObject("APToolkit.Object")

outputFile = strPath & "output.pdf"

inputFile = strPath & "OnBlurOnFocusSample.pdf"

' Create the new PDF file
intOpenOutputFile = oTK.OpenOutputFile(outputFile)

If intOpenOutputFile <> 0 Then

ErrorHandler "OpenOutputFile", intOpenOutputFile

End If

' Create the new PDF file
intOpenInputFile = oTK.OpenInputFile(inputFile)

If intOpenInputFile <> 0 Then

ErrorHandler "OpenInputFile", intOpenInputFile

End If

totFields = oTK.CountFormFields

Set aFI = oTK.FieldInfo("btnTest", 1)

aFI.OnFocusScript = "myField=this.getField(""txtResult"");myField.value = " & cstr(totFields) & " +"" this is OnFocusScript\n"";"

aFI.OnBlurScript = "myField=this.getField(""txtResult"");myField.value = """" +"" this is OnBlurScript\n"";"

intResult = oTK.CopyForm(0, 0)

If intResult <> 1 Then

ErrorHandler "CopyForm", intResult

End If


' Close Files, Dispose TK Object
' Close the files


' Release Object
Set oTK = Nothing

' Process Complete
msgbox "Done!"

' Error Handling

Sub ErrorHandler(method, outputCode)

msgbox("Error in " & method & ": " & outputCode)

End Sub
