Microsoft Word Files with Linked Images

Intermittently, when converting a Microsoft Word document that contains linked images to PDF or PDF/A, the output PDF would be missing one or more images.

To correct this issue, the default Images Update Time (IUT) for converting Microsoft Word documents with linked images was introduced. By default, IUT introduces a wait of 500 milliseconds (per document) to permit time for all images to load properly. This change only applies to the Microsoft Word converter (the LibreOffice converter is not affected.)

The issue is resolved as of DocConverter build 2014.0.4.15255.

If desired, the Images Update Time can be modified using the SDK.

Note: Options to modify the Images Update Time using the UI will be added later in future releases.


.NET version

DocConverter dcObj = new DocConverter();

To disable the behavior entirely:

dcObj.AddConverterOption("IUT", "0");

To change the behavior from a default 500 millisecond wait time to a 1000 millisecond wait time (1 second)

dcObj.AddConverterOption("IUT", "1000");