Increasing the Timeout for DocConverter
If you are converting large files, or otherwise experiencing timeout errors with DocConverter, consider increasing the timeout value in the CUI.
- Click the ActivePDF DocConverter tab.
- Click the Global Settings icon in the Navigation pane of the ActivePDF Common User Interface.
- Click the DocConverter Global Settings tab.
- Complete the Max Timeout (Sec). to set the maximum amount of time in seconds to wait before the process is assumed to have experienced a hang and the conversion is cancelled. Default = 60.
- Complete the File Timeout (Sec). to set the time in seconds to wait before the process is assumed to have experienced a hang and the conversion is cancelled. Default = 45.
- (Optional) Use Smart Timeout if you want the time to be determined by the size of the input file and the time specified for Timeout Min Per MB. If using Smart Timeout, also complete Min Timeout (Sec). to set the minimum amount of time in seconds to wait before the process is assumed to have experienced a hang and the conversion is cancelled. Default = 45.
- Click Save and Close.
- Restart ActivePDF Services in your Windows Services.