Conversion of Word and Powerpoint Using PDFExport Could Result in a PDF/A Error

Conversion of Word and Powerpoint using PDFExport could result in a PDF/A error.

Probable Cause

The PDF/A-1b standard does not support transparent images. Documents containing transparent images were failing to convert, so PDF/A-2b support has been introduced to accommodate these files.  


A workaround has been added to optionally force DocConverter to use the PDF/A-2b standard, which supports transparent images.

Note: Using this workaround, all PDF/A outputs generated will adhere to PDF/A-2b standard, rather than to PDF/A-1b.

  1. Using Notepador a similar text editor, create a blank file called ini and save it in C:\WINDOWS\ActivePDF\Settings, which tells DocConverter to convert files to PDF/A-2b standard format rather than PDF/A-1b standard.

  2. Attempt the conversion again.

The conversion should generate the PDF/A-2b output correctly.

Note: This issue will be resolved in the DocConverter UI in a future release.